BBlock Animation is a Premium Drupal Module that enhances the basic Drupal block backend with a set of features that allows Site Developers to Animate, Hide/Show and create simple Parallax animations over any existing block.
With this module, any block can be set when to be visible: on Mobile but not on Desktop, on Tablets but not on Mobile or any other combination. You can also setup under which effect each block will appear while the visitor is scrolling down the page, including fades, twist, bouncing…
In order to obtain any additional info, references and feedback of it, feel free to visit the product page. To see the module in action, you can just explore the sample Home Page Variant 3.
It is really a simple module, but still each detail has been carefully documented in the official module documentation. This documentation is included in the downloadable package and each buyer has the right of a single Regular License of it and to be used only integrated with this product. The commercial use of this module is properly licensed to DoubleMThemes by the module author to be sold integrated with this product.